Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shine Shine - Update on little one

Our little junior is with me for 6 months oo...
day to day...i feel the diff...
Lately little junior likes to kick quite a lot...
especially when we are watching amination movie :D

we will try to have a little bit talking every night before sleep...
Daddy's introduction is always "hi, im your superdaddy ya..."
then superdaddy will tell our little one that how big is mammy's tummy...haha...

our little seems really can understand what we are talking about...
whenever we talks about little one, he will kick amazing!!

next monday we will have the monthly checkup, shall get to see our little one dancing again ya...


@rimOmO mIrIkItO ~~ said...

Litte soccer ^_^

Jack said...

because the daddy likes to play soccer.. so that's y.. lol =)