Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shine shine - 27 dresses

Just watched a movie with deardear..
'27 Dresses'..the girl in the movie who named as Jane...she reminds me what i have done in the past..
few year ago, i secretly liked one of my friend..
what i have done..i was not trying to please him..
somehow everything related to him..i would be very happy..
people said 'love is blind' some is really really true..

until i met my deardear..
his caring..
his loving..
his cute..
his laugh..
his singing song..

i realise that i am happiness to be with deardear..
sometimes people says that 'thing that you can't get is always the best..'
but i doubt on this statement..
shine never tell my fre that i like him..and we are now still fre..
i am now be together with my deardear..1 more months we are getting ROM..
never thought this day is coming soon..getting nervous..
but i wish to tell the world that i am having the best..
dear may not be the best in other's eyes..
but to shine..deardear is unique..and he always is..


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