Monday, April 14, 2008

dear dear - a gentleman went for a facial treament

omg, a gentleman went for a facial treament last sunday?!

yes, tat blardly shit gentleman is me :(( my gf had me there and i could complain nothing.

it took me about 1 and a half hour laying on the bed, the beautician used 101 components rugging on my face, she even pitched out my pimple oooo. arghh... i feel so sleepy yet i dare not fall alseep, i was so scared tat my beauty face would be gone by the time i wake up :P beautician tried to explain lots of things to me, but i dun understand at all. she even tried to convince me to do the laser treatment on my beard. omg... anyone could rescue me from there?! argh...

anyway, a great experience for me. my beauty face turns to be smoother a bit after treatment (of coz la, the treatment is not cheap at all, anyway i am using my shine shine package :p) next time should take a photo before and after treatment to share with u, haha... :P

thx for my shine shine for bringing me there, thx for the beautician who pitch my pimple. :P

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